Gratitude... noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. So I had my surgery 19 days ago. It wasn't what they expected. When the doctor got into my ear he found some issues. Basically I have Malleal Head Fixation. There was bone blocking my ear bones. My surgery was pretty rough. They had to patch the hole in my ear drum and drill out bone in my ear that was blocking my ear bones. What was expected to be an hour surgery last 2.5hrs. The few days "recovering" weren't really restful as we are in the process of some major life changes and I couldn't really sit still long. I returned to work 5 days after my surgery. The past 2 weeks at work have been very challenging. I couldn't hear at all in my left ear. I was again honest with my clients and most knew I was out for my surgery. I experienced some interesting conversations with clients regarding this process. It was a therapeutic moment too...